Thermometer reading 37°C held in a marijuana field, symbolizing marijuana's impact on body temperature regulation.

Marijuana and Fever: How Does Marijuana Affect Body Temperature?

The topic of marijuana, also known as cannabis, has gained attention in recent times due to its perceived health advantages. However, there is still much to uncover about how it impacts the body. One intriguing aspect is the relationship between marijuana use and body temperature regulation. In this article, we will delve into how using marijuana can potentially affect body temperature.

Understanding Body Temperature Control

Before delving into marijuana’s impact on body temperature, it’s crucial to understand how our bodies naturally regulate temperature. Our bodies maintain a core temperature of around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) for bodily functions.

The hypothalamus, a part of the brain that oversees functions such as body temperature control, is critical in maintaining this equilibrium. Acting as the body’s thermostat, it receives signals from temperature sensors and triggers appropriate responses to uphold stable internal temperatures.

Marijuana: Vasodilation and Alterations in Blood Circulation

Studies indicate that marijuana can influence body temperature by inducing vasodilation- the widening of blood vessels. Specific compounds present in marijuana have been found to cause blood vessels near the skin surface to dilate, leading to increased blood flow near the skin.

Moreover, research has shown that consuming marijuana can lead to an increase in heart rate and cardiovascular activity. These effects may impact blood flow patterns and potentially influence how our bodies maintain their core temperature.

Marijuana’s Role in Thermoregulation During Fever

Fever typically occurs as a response to infections or underlying medical issues. When experiencing a fever, where the body’s core temperature rises above normal levels, the body’s thermoregulatory mechanisms become more active, triggering physiological changes to help lower the rising temperatures.

One way marijuana might affect fever management is through processes like vasodilation and alterations in skin blood flow. The dilated blood vessels could aid in heat dissipation from the skin’s surface through radiation and evaporation, assisting in cooling down the body.

Furthermore, marijuana’s impact on heart rate and cardiovascular activity could play a role in how the body deals with fever. An increased heart rate might improve blood circulation and help distribute heat from organs, contributing to temperature regulation during febrile episodes.

Challenges to Marijuana’s Influence on Body Temperature

Although some studies suggest a link between marijuana use, vasodilation, and potential effects on regulating body temperature during conditions, it is crucial to acknowledge conflicting research findings well. Some research studies have shown outcomes that may not always match the earlier assertions.

Furthermore, variations in drug tolerance, dosage levels, consumption methods (such as smoking versus consuming edibles), and existing medical conditions could all have effects on how marijuana impacts body temperature. It is important to note that without research, making definite conclusions about its effects remains a challenging task.

Factors that Impact the Effects of Marijuana on Body Temperature

It’s crucial to acknowledge that the impact of marijuana on body temperature can vary widely depending on certain factors. Here are some key elements that could influence how marijuana affects body temperature:

Differences in Strains 

Different types of marijuana contain varying levels and combinations of cannabinoids like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). The concentration of these substances can affect vasodilation and blood flow changes, potentially influencing the regulation of body temperature.

Dosage Levels 

The quantity of marijuana ingested significantly influences its impact on the body. Higher doses might result in vasodilation and heart rate elevation, potentially amplifying its effects on body temperature.

Consumption Method 

The way marijuana is consumed can also impact how it regulates body temperature.

When you smoke or vape cannabis, the effects may differ from consuming edibles or using drops because how the body processes and absorbs cannabinoids varies.


Delving into the connection between marijuana use and regulating body temperature can be intriguing yet complicated. While some evidence hints at links between vasodilation and changes in blood flow during fevers, thorough research is required for solid conclusions.

Approaching the interpretation of these findings on marijuana’s impact on body temperature cautiously is crucial as scientists delve deeper into unraveling its complexities. By maintaining a perspective and recognizing existing uncertainties, we can navigate this subject thoughtfully while anticipating advancements in cannabis research.